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  • Writer's pictureGio De La Cruz

The Cool Trick To Find More Patients That Look Just Like Your Favorite Ones: Look-A-Like Audiences

Updated: Dec 9, 2021

The hidden hyper-targeting secret hardly any plastic or cosmetic surgeon knows.

So, you're a plastic or cosmetic surgeon and want more of your favorite patients? Or, maybe you just want more new patients in general. Well, this is the blog post for you! We'll be talking about hyper-targeting to get new patients that look like your past and current ones with Facebook's look-alike audience feature to get them to see your ads and have a higher chance of converting.

“This is the solution most advertisers won't tell you... This technique allows medical entrepreneurs (you!) to hyper-target a group of people who look just like your favorite patients!”

First Off, What Is Hyper-Targeting?

Hyper-targeting means targeting people most likely interested in your product or service based on their demographics (age, gender) or behaviors (likes). This includes finding target audiences using interest keywords like "plastic surgery" or "cosmetic surgery." But there's also a hidden technique that almost got Facebook into trouble that doesn't require defining any of the above; it's called the Look-a-like Audience.

What's neat about this look-a-like audience feature is that it allows you to find more patients that look just like your favorite ones and show them your ads on their social media platforms about how great being your patient is!

Can you imagine having access to a cloning machine? Where your favorite patient walks through it, and you get 2, 3, or maybe 10 clones out? It's a smarter way to scale your business, right?

Okay Gio... So, How Do You Do It?

Suppose you have a list of your favorite patients from the last few years. In that case, you can upload their email addresses to get a look-a-like audience of people with similar interests and behaviors. You can copy and paste your data directly to the platform or upload your CSV file to the audience builder tool located inside your ads manager.

The more information you have on your favorite patient, the better! Just make sure it's in the correct format. For example:

  • Full Names should be separated into FN and LN.

  • Phone Numbers, there're different ways to format the phone number of your favorite patients. The best format we've found where facebook recognizes them is by having the country code followed by the numbers with spaces (ex: +1 123 456 7890) or Area code followed with the open and close parenthesis (ex: 1-(212) 736-3100).

  • Gender should be M instead of Male, F instead of Female.

  • The date of birth should be MM/DD/YY (ex: 9/1/78).

  • The state should be abbreviated and not spelled out. (New York should be NY).

  • Country Should also be abbreviated (ex: United States of America should be US, not USA).

You can also add Age, Zip code, and Value (cost of the procedure).

This hyper-targeting technique that most plastic surgeons don't know about, yet it's been around for more than two years... Pro-tip, make sure you use a group of 1,000 to 50,000 of your best patients, not a general list.

If hyper-targeting sounds interesting to you and you want to run hyper-targeted campaigns to generate more cosmetic procedures for your practice; Schedule your FREE strategy call below! We'll help you execute your hyper-targeting campaigns in no time.


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